Monday 10 August 2009

Life goes on….

This is a reflection on a conversation I had with one of my favourite friends, about how people we know, we love, we treasure, who are moving on in life.

What makes us move on? It is our age, our phase in life, our circumstances, realisations or expectations? I’ve never been one to like change and moving on but I’ve realised that this is required or rather like my friend puts it ‘it is a fact of life.’

Nonetheless, I miss those moments; childhood madness, temper tantrums, teenage angsts, cuddles, heartaches, laughter, dancing like no one cares, tears and friends. I used that thee would slip away as time went by, but those that are etched in the heart, I realise stay. At times in the past, I would give anything to have them back, but on introspection I wouldn’t as I’m moving on myself and I have something brighter to look forward too. Unknown but adventurous, scary but hopeful.

To sum it all up….life does go on so when life throws you lemons, order the tequila and salt!

A new start!

I stopped blogging a year ago. Why? I dont seem to find a reason. Right now, I feel like I'd like to get back, I enjoyed banging away on the laptop, being able to give my feelings and thoughts words so here goes once again.....